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  • The Brothers Karamazov Fiodor Dostoïevski

    The Brothers Karamazov, is the final novel by the Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Dostoyevsky spent nearly two years writing The Brothers Karamazov, which was published as a serial in The Russian Messenger and completed in November 1880. Dostoyevsky intended it to be the first part in an epic story titled The Life of a Great Sinner, but he died less than four months after its publication.
    The Brothers Karamazov is a passionate philosophical novel that enters deeply into the ethical debates of God, free will, and morality. It is a spiritual drama of moral struggles concerning faith, doubt, and  reason, set against a modernizing Russia. Dostoyevsky composed much of the novel in Staraya Russa, which is also the main setting of the novel. Since its publication, it has been acclaimed all over the world by intellectuals as diverse as Sigmund Freud,Albert Einstein, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Martin Heidegger, Cormac McCarthy and Kurt Vonnegut as one of the supreme achievements in literature.
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    Les Frères Karamazov Fiodor Dostoïevski

    Les Frères Karamazov est le dernier roman de l'écrivain  r usse Fiodor Dostoïevski qu'il a écrit dans son appartement de la rue Iamskaïa. Il a été publié sous forme de feuilleton dans le magazine Ruskii Vestnik (Le Messager russe) de janvier 1879 à novembre 1880.

    Les Frères Karamazov Fiodor Dostoïevski
    Les Frères Karamazov est un roman qui explore des thèmes tels que Dieu, le libre arbitre ou la moralité. Il s'agit d'un drame spirituel où s'affrontent différentes visions morales concernant la foi, le doute, la raison et la Russie moderne. Dostoïevski a composé une grande partie du roman à Staraïa Roussa, qui est aussi le cadre principal du roman (sous le nom de Skotoprigonievsk). Au début de l'année 1881, Dostoïevski songeait à donner une suite au roman, dont l'action se déroulerait vingt ans plus tard .
    Depuis sa publication, le livre a été acclamé par des personnalités comme Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein ou encore le pape Benoît XVI et considéré comme l'un des plus grands chefs-d'œuvre de la littérature mondiale.
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  • Leo Tolstoy

    Count Leo Nikolaievitch Tolstoy, novelist, was born on 28 August 1828, at Yasnaya Poliana in the government of Tula. He studied at Moscow and Kazan, joined the army of the Caucasus, was attached to the staff of Prince Gortschakoff in Turkey, and was at the storming of Sebastapol in 1855. He, now retired from the army, and already famous as a poet and novelist, spent a short time in the most brilliant literary and social circles of St Petersburg. Having traveled in Germany and Italy, in 1862 he married, and from that time lived on his estates near Moscow amongst his peasantry. During his residence in the Caucasus he wrote Childhood, Boyhood, and Youth; Memoirs of Prince Nekludoff: and The Cossacks. After the Crimean war he wrote three sketches of Sebastapol; during his foreign sojourn, The Snow Storm and the Two Hussars; next came Family Happiness, The Three Deaths, and Polikushka. The first of his two great works, War and Peace (1865–68), gives a vivid picture of the Napoleonic campaigns against Russia and the national defense. The other, Anna Karenina (1875–78), is a melancholy tale of an ill-fated marriage. He now resolved to devote himself to the problems of life, remedying its grievances, and becoming the ‘friend of the unfriended poor;’ and all his later books were written with didactic aim. Ivan Ilyitch, What People Live By, Where Love is there God is also, Two Pilgrims, The Dominion of Darkness, The Kreutzer Sonata, The Christianity of Christ, What I Believe and Life
    War and Peace Leo Tolstoy

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  • Don Quixote of La Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes

    Considered the first, and perhaps best, novel ever written, Don Quixote (The Ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha) by Miguel de Cervantes is the story of a man who goes nuts after reading one too many books about knighthood and chivalry, and sets out on his own quest. Originally published in two parts (1605 and 1615), Cervantes' massively influential work is a nuanced insight into identity, sanity, and escapism.
    With his noble sidekick Sancho Panza and (to fit the narrative) a lady love, Don Quixote dons a beat up suit of armor and sets out as knight-errant, battling what he perceives as forces of evil, from rogue knights to fierce giants (which are actually windmills). The first part of the book is farcical (think Monty Python), while the second half is more philosophical. Two notes: for those who don't know, the novel Don Quixote is responsible for the adjective quixotic, meaning: foolishly impractical, marked by rash and lofty romantic ideas or extravagantly chivalrous action. And, as one heck of an endorsement, it was recently voted Greatest Book of All Time by the Nobel Institute.
    Auteur : Miquel de Cervantes Edition : Translated by John Ormsby Pages:874
    Format: pdf Language:English
    Don Quixote of La Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes

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  • Emile Zola L'Enterrement de Flaubert

    La mort de Gustave Flaubert a été pour nous tous un coup de foudre. Six semaines auparavant, le dimanche de Pâques, nous avions réalisé un vieux projet, Goncourt, Daudet, Charpentier et moi ; nous étions allés vivre vingt-quatre heures chez lui à Croisset ; et nous l'avions quitté, heureux de cette escapade, attendris de son hospitalité paternelle, nous donnant tous rendez-vous à Paris pour les premiers jours de mai, époque à laquelle il devait y venir passer deux mois. L'enterrement de Flaubert décrit par Emile Zola

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  • Le paradis des chats Émile Zola

    Une tante m'a légué un chat d'Angora qui est bien la bête la plus stupide que je connaisse. Voici ce que mon chat m'a conté, un soir d'hiver, devant les cendres chaudes. J'avais alors deux ans, et j'étais bien le chat le plus gras et le plus naïf qu'on pût voir. À cet âge tendre, je montrais encore toute la présomption d'un animal qui dédaigne les douceurs du foyer. Et pourtant que de remercîments je devais à la Providence pour m'avoir placé chez votre tante ! La brave femme m'adorait. J'avais, au fond d'une armoire, une véritable chambre à coucher, coussin de plume en triple couverture. La nourriture valait le coucher ; jamais de pain, jamais de soupe, rien que de la viande, de la bonne viande saignante.

    Download this Audiobook : Le paradis des chats