السيمفونية التاسعة انشودة الفرح لودفيج فان بيتهوفن السيمفونية التاسعة، هي صورة لحياة 'بيتهوفن'. آلامه وصراعه مع الحياة بيتهوفن .. عبقري الموسيقى الأصم لودفيج فون بيتهوفن" (1770-1827)، هو أهم مؤلفي الموسيقى الألمان، الذين ظهروا في العصر الذهبي للموسيقى الألمانية . ملامح وجهه، من الصعب نسيانها. تنم عن جدة وحدة وعواطف جياشة مكبوتة تم اكتمال تأليف هذه السيمفونية عام1824و تعبر من أعظم الاعمال الكلاسيكية الغربية . و يعتبرها النقاد سيدةاعمال بيتهوفن و اعظم المؤلفات الموسيقية التي قد كتبت تعتبر هذه السيمفونية أول مثال عن المؤلفات الموسيقية التي تستخدم الصوت في السيمفونيات و هذا ما يجعلها (سيمفونية كورالية) في الحركة الرابعة من هذه السيمفونية هناك غناء صوتي مع السيمفونية و هذه الكلمات مأخوذة من قصيدة فريدريك تشيللير التي كتبها عام1785و تسمى An die Freude و ترجمتها الحرفية To Joy و رسميا اطلق عليها اسم Ode To Joy
أستمتع مع هذه القطعة الخالدة رقم واحد لافضل مائة سمفونية
Vivaldi was born in Venice March 4,1678 . Born in Venice March 4,1678 -died in Vienna July 28,1741 . His mother is the daughter of Camilla Calicchio tailor.His father,Giovanni Battista (1655-1736) ,son of a tailor ,too,is a native of Brescia.This musician is Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) ,one of the giants of the Baroque era . Vivaldi knew kings and princes,and even played the violin for the Pope twice.After his death ,oddly ,his music was forgotten for two centuries.It was not rediscovered until the mid- twentieth century.Vivaldi now enjoys immense popularity,similar to that he experienced in his lifetime.Let's find out more about this remarkable man and the times in which he lived.
March 1678.4 Born in Venice Antonio Vivaldi was born in Venice.His violinist father transmit his passion for the instrument and music in general. 1703 He was ordained and became professor of violin at the Ospedale della Pietà in Venice 1711 Collection of twelve concerti " L'Estro Armonico " This is the most important musical publication of the first half of the eighteenth century. 1713 First known " Ottone in Villa" Opera in Vicenza Vivaldi 's work also includes forty-seven operas.Both in his religious works in his operas ,Vivaldi was less inventive in his concertos .It uses the data type of the time without making innovations he had made in the genre of the concerto.
Greatest Symphonies of All Time: 5th Symphony by Ludwig van BEETHOVEN is certainly of all the composer's works,which is the best known,most played,most recorded.
Ludwig van Beethoven,huge and visionary composer wrote there two hundred years the most famous four notes in the history of music in the style of symphonies Symphony No 5.What fascinates us so much in this theme is certainly the succession of notes extremely effective but silence that precedes and follows,and making even more dramatic musical phrase.
روائع الموسيقى الكلاسيكية العالمية أفضل مائة سنفونية على الاطلاق سيتم اعداد كل اسبوع قطعة موسقية مع التعريف بصاحبها ترتيب العشرة الاوائل لهذا الشهرسجل في قناتنا ليصلك الجديد كل أسبوع
Greatest Symphonies of All Time:
1. Symphony No. 9 in D minor "Choral" – Ludwig Van Beethoven 2. Symphony No. 5 in C minor – Ludwig Van Beethoven
3. Symphony No. 3 in E flat major "Eroica" – Ludwig Van Beethoven
4. Symphony No. 6 in B minor "Pathetique" – Peter Ilyitch Tchaikovsky
5. Symphony No. 41 in C major "Jupiter" – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
6. Symphony No. 9 in E minor "From The New World" – Antonin Dvorak
7. Symphony No. 6 in F major "Pastorale" – Ludwig Van Beethoven
8. Symphony No. 40 in G minor – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
9. Symphony No. 4 in E minor – Johannes Brahms
10. Symphony No. 9 in C major "The Great" – Franz Schubert
There are sites
available that describe the parts of a a microscope. To be able to work a
microscope you will need to know what each part is and what it does. The
eyepiece lens is at the top and it is what you look through.The base is at the
bottom and supports the microscope, the illuminator is the light source and the
revolving nose piece is what holds the lenses and can be moved to change
the power of
magnification.For other parts and uses visit
The electric
field of an infinite line charge with a uniform linear charge density can be
obtained by a using Gauss' law. Considering a Gaussian surface in the form of a
cylinder at radius r, the electric field has the same magnitude at every
point of the cylinder and is directed outward. The electric flux is then just
the electric field times the area of the cylinder.
Gauss' Law
TheGauss'law is a
method, widely used to calculate the electric fields form symmetrically charged
The electric flux through an area is defined as
the electric field multiplied by the area of the surface projected in a plane
perpendicular to the field. Gauss's Law is a general law applying to any closed
surface. It is an important tool since it permits the assessment of the amount
of enclosed charge by mapping the field on a surface outside the charge
distribution. For geometries of sufficient symmetry, it simplifies the
calculation of the electric field.
In electronics, impedance
matching is the practice of designing the input impedance of an electrical
load (or the output impedance of its corresponding signal source) to maximize
the power transfer or minimize reflections from the load.
Source and load circuit impedance
In the case of a complex
source impedance ZS and load impedance ZL,
maximum power transfer is obtained when
where * indicates the complex
conjugate. Minimum reflection is obtained when
The concept of impedance
matching was originally developed for electrical engineering, but can be
applied to any other field where a form of energy (not necessarily electrical)
is transferred between a source and a load. An alternative to impedance matching
is impedance bridging, where the load impedance is chosen to be much larger
than the source impedance and maximizing voltage transfer (rather than power)
is the goal.
AC Current flow
in 120/240 V AC single phase three or four wire systems is frequently
misunderstood. This technical brief goes through a step by step process of
adding one load at a time to a 120/240 V AC system and looking at the resulting
current flows.
There is an
assumed understanding of basic DC theory, Ohms Law (V=IR), the Power Law (P=VI)
and Kirchhoff’s Voltage and Current Laws.
1.The sum of the voltage rises equals the sum of
the voltage drops around any closed loop.
2.The sum of the currents entering a junction
equals the sum of the currents leaving the junction.