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  • Download ebooks Electric Distribution Systems

    Auteur : Abdalhay A.Salam.opMalikl Editeur :Wiley  Pages :576 Language :English Format:Pdf

    This book provides a comprehensive treatment of electric distribution systems. Few books cover specific topics in more depth and there is hardly any book that deals with the key topics of interest to distribution system engineers.
    A unique combination of theory and practice for designing, operating, and optimizing electric distribution systems
    Electric Distribution Systems provides a unique, integrated two-prong approach that enables readers to design, install, and manage effective and efficient electric distribution systems. It combines both practical and academic perspectives so that readers can fully grasp underlying theory and concepts, and then apply their newfound knowledge and skills to problem solving. Throughout the text, the authors explain the analytical tools and techniques needed to design and operate electric distribution systems. They then support these explanations with real-world examples as well as hundreds of clear illustrations and photos.

    Free Download Ebook: Electric Distribution Systems

  • Basic Electricity and Electronics for Control Fundamentals

    Auteur : Lawrence M. Thompson Editeur : Isa  Pages :397 Language :English Format:Pdf
    list of chapter objectives
    chapter 1—electrical basics
    chapter 2—terminology
    chapter 3—measurement errors
    chapter 4—basic electrical measurement
    chapter 5—meter movements
    chapter 6—DC voltage measurement
    chapter 7— DC current measurement
    chapter 8— DC bridges
    chapter 9—AC fundamentals
    chapter 10—AC source fundamentals
    chapter 11—the oscilloscope
    chapter 12—reactive components
    chapter 13—ac measurement
    chapter 14—solid state: principles
    chapter 15—zener diodes, scrs, and triacs
    chapter 16—operational amplifiers
    chapter 17—digital logic
    chapter 18—analog digital conversion
    chapter 19—industrial applications

  • Basic Electrical Technology

    1 Introducing the course Introduction
    Module-1 Introduction
    Module-2 D.C. circuits
    Module-3 D.C transient
    Module-4 Single phase A.C circuits
    Module-5 Three phase circuits
    Module-6 Magnetic circuits & Core losses
    Module-7 Transformer
    Module-8 Three phase induction motor
    Module-9 D.C Machines
    Module-10 Measuring instruments

    Download this ebook :Basic Electrical Technology

  • ebooks Electrical Engineering Know It All

    Auteur : Clive Maxfi eld,John Bird,M. A.Laughton,W. Bolton,Andrew Leven,Ron Schmitt,Keith Sueker,Tim Williams,Mike Tooley,Luis Moura,Izzat Darwazeh,Walt Kester,Alan Bensky,DF Warne, Editeur :Newnes Pages :1126 Language :English Format:Pdf
    This book answers the need for a single comprehensive, practical reference for all engineers.
    Downlaod this book : ElectricalEngineering Know It All

  • Electric Field of a Line of Charge and Gauss's Law

    The electric field of an infinite line charge with a uniform linear charge density can be obtained by a using Gauss' law. Considering a Gaussian surface in the form of a cylinder at radius r, the electric field has the same magnitude at every point of the cylinder and is directed outward. The electric flux is then just the electric field times the area of the cylinder.

    Gauss' Law  

    The Gauss' law is a method, widely used to calculate the electric fields form symmetrically charged objects

    The electric flux through an area is defined as the electric field multiplied by the area of the surface projected in a plane perpendicular to the field. Gauss's Law is a general law applying to any closed surface. It is an important tool since it permits the assessment of the amount of enclosed charge by mapping the field on a surface outside the charge distribution. For geometries of sufficient symmetry, it simplifies the calculation of the electric field.